For those of you who also have a lot of free time right now, I can recommend to visit the 'Haus der Fotografie' in the Deichtorhallen in Hamburg. Almost in time with the Paris fashion week, starts the exibition 'All eyes on Paris' - more info on http://www.deichtorhallen.de/index.php?id=212&L=1.
Also, the Berlin Festival lurs with a great line-up on Saturday. Bands such as The naked and famous, Aloe Blacc, Beginner and lots more will guarantee a great show! (http://www.berlinfestival.de/line-up-2011/running-order-saturday/)
And last but not least, you should definitely stop by the fleamarket in Barmbek, which will take place in Hamburg August 17 from 9am till 5pm. You might find some nice nippes there.
pictures are taken from http://www.deichtorhallen.de/uploads/tx_macinabilder/header_paris_01.jpg and http://www.giga-music.de/wp-content/uploads/berlin-festival-2011.jpg
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